Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Exam anxiety

its rainy very hard outside, and i think it may be that way for the rest of the day. one of those days where i just would like to stay at home and do nothing. some people avoid school and think that the rain is a good excuse not to get out. well for me, i am totally opposite, i hate making up work and i just feel like school dont last forever. besides i have a major test that i would really like to have at least two more days to study for. if i tell you about it like saying its only twenty terms to know and only one group of sentences to write a paragraph on, you probably be like thats not bad. well that's the short version of it, the long version would be this. there are sixty terms but i only need to know twenty and there are four different categories of five to six questions to create an essay and i only need to really understand one, but the catch is, i dont know which ones, out of the terms or the essay questions, the professor will choose. but even if i got two more days to study i will still be in the same boat i'm in now, uneasy, i just dont want to take this kind of exam.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Friends or Not Friends

I use to have a best friend until they became someone I truly despise. What I mean by that is, the things we did in high school, should be left there, and the things we got into hanging out together, before the kids, should be left alone now that we are grown. I recently got married so of course my new best friend automatically became my husband, since he is someone i can trust and tell all my secrets to, and not have to worry about hearing them again. Well a couple of years has passed and our best friend relationship has been going down hill, i dont like it when your female friend becomes insanely jealous to the point where they downgrade to misery loves company. Meaning if their life is going so well with the people they decide to add to it, then they would rather call and ponder on some horrific event from the other person past. Just to make a statement to say, i wonder do you think like me, or is your life as miserable as mine, but using a totally diffent episode. It use to be a time when you see one, you see the other but now the friendship has boiled down to, if i see you or hear from you then okay, but if not then there will be no sleep lost.
My only question would be, if you have been friends for so long and gotten to know each other from day to night, why is it so easy to throw away almost two decades? But again I am not in mourning because I have a new best friend, that loves me the same if not more than i love him, so who needs the additional drama.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Comparison and Contrast Essay

Football vs. Basketball

The entertainment of sporting events bring fans far and wide. Some fans support their teams by wearing jerseys, hats, or holding up poster board signs with encouragement to root their favorite player. Other fans get very outrageous and recruit more fans to go topless and paint their torso one color and engrave a letter to spell out their team’s name or they may even spray paint their head and faces two different colors. The main sporting events to be discussed are football and basketball and their similarities as well as differences.
Football is a very physical sport. Women are not allowed to play, because some may fear they are not tough enough, although there are some women stronger than men. For athletes, it is a must to stay in shape, the gym and practice becomes second nature. In other parts of the world, football may be considered rugby or soccer. The players are very motivated with adrenaline flowing that when they run out on the playing field, they are disoriented by the crowd, the noise, and each other, they have to be guided back to reality before the game begins by coaches. Their uniforms, which is normally of two colors, include helmets, numbered jersey, jockeys, and cleats. Football is an outdoor sport, so according to the weather the players quickly adapt. They play on green turf labeled with white lines corresponded by numbers, representing yardage, counting by tens from each end meeting at the fifty line marked from each goal line. There are many rules and to ensure that they are enforced, referees are in place. The designated team scores at the end of the goal line with an oval shaped ball. The point system consists of six points when a touchdown is made with one additional point for the team to either punt through the goal or run into their end zone. There is also three points when punted through the goal, if a touchdown is unsuccessful prior to the fourth down.
Basketball is the opposite, this is not a physical sport and unnecessary contact will get you ejected from the game. Women are allowed to participate in this sport, women against women only. Athletic ability is required to endure practice as well as your opposing opponents. This event is largely known around the world as basketball. The player’s uniforms consist of sleeveless shirts, knee hi shorts, and mid or hi top basketball shoes. This is an indoor event, played on a court with hoops on each end for scoring with the round ball. Instead of running out on the basketball court, they exit from between the bleachers amongst the rowdy crowds. The point system consists of three numbers: three, two, and one. The basketball court is marked off to distinguish which point was awarded. The length of each game is dependent on the quarters played. There are four quarters per play with fifteen minutes intervals in football. All periods of regulation play in basketball are twelve minutes. Both events are capable of overtime. The team that scores and prevent their opponent from scoring wins when the allocated time elapse.
In conclusion, as with the many sporting events, basketball and football has been known to maintain the youth of the crowd as well as the players. The entertaining of cheerleaders, dance team, the band, or even the players. There is always some kind of significant encounter to capture the mind and embrace an individual’s past life when they were younger.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Teens gone bad....

I was watching the news this morning and yes, again another cruel act of teen violence. I wonder what be going through kids' mind when they think of such dreadful acts to react upon when it comes to their peers. It couldn't be possible that they would think for one moment, maybe, what if this situation turns out and I am on the worse end of the stick, or maybe since their so-called friend dont know he's about to be a victim, that maybe more than one person can get in on this cruel intention. I feel very sorry for the family that has to stop whatever they are doing and be by his side, receiving prayers from strangers is always nice, but not in a situation like this. What do you think of when the sixteen year old got beaten to death by a gang, when all he was doing was walking to school, wrong place, wrong time, doesnt suffice, especially if this is how he has been getting to school on a daily basis. Then you have this young teen days after his fifteen birthday to have 2/3 of his body burned due to a video game. What is this world coming too.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

2nd Essay comments

The example essay to me was the hardest cause it was difficult for me to come up with a topic and then when i came up with the topic i had to think about different examples, it probably was hard cause i am just not very confident in writing and when i do scramble to put something down on paper to me i think that was a great effort but when i received the comments, they helped and but made it more difficult cause i had to think of more to add or change my thoughts, that took me a very long time to come up with. For the next 1101 class i suggest to take the time and get a tutor if you're the type of person that have a problem with writing, cause having ideas and placing them on paper is just not good enough, you have to provide good sentence formats and use words properly as well as punctuations.

I think i have put forth good efforts in posting, some days i just didnt have anything to say but i put forth the effort and at least wrote about something even if it was a paragraph long. I think if I was given a topic to write, i could have elaborated, and used my time to concentrate on blogging more.

Thursday, October 1, 2009


who would have thought blogging could be so difficult? it's not that its hard, but i have to think of something to say but it's actually kind of hard because i have alot of thoughts going on in my life but i dont care to share my personal life experiences with strangers, so i am forced to think of something else to blog about which isn't as easy as it seems. I wonder am I the only one in this class having these types of issues. When we have to write essays, I'm not crazy about the subjects i pick but when i think i did good, lately it has turned for the worse, and i dont know how a tutor can help considering its my thoughts and I have gone as far into details as i possibly could, but i am trying to keep a positive attitude.