Thursday, December 3, 2009


i must admit i was a little nervous about this quiz, cause it had been so long since i read the book, but it wasn't as bad as i thought i answered alot of the questions opinionated but with what goes with that part of the question. And again this semester has drawn to an end and what do every student hate the most besides tests are final exams, yes there will be alot of studying this weekend considering i only have two days of classes next week and they all will be crucial and tense, cause i want to do well on my exams, i dont feel as though i been slacking off but you know i have to put together everything i learned, but my plate is going to be full, not only do i have to dig deep and study for three finals but i have three kids, yeah this is going to be interesting. Cant wait to see what type of essay topic i will have for this book, luckily this was an interesting book, i think i am going to read the next one.